Elizabeth Kirley
Tonita Murray, Elizabeth A. Kirley, Stephen Schneider (eds)
Big Crime, Big Policing: all about Big Money?
University of Toronto Press, Toronto (forthcoming 2024)
Elizabeth Anne Kirley and Deborah Porter, eds.
Outsmarting The Next Pandemic: What Covid-19 Can Teach Us
Taylor & Francis UK, Routledge Imprint.
Elizabeth Anne Kirley
Reputational Privacy and the Internet: A Matter for Law?
PhD Dissertation,
York University, Toronto https://digitalcommons.osgoode.yorku.ca/phd/8.
Elizabeth Kirley
“Brushstrokes to Keystrokes: Policing Entrepreneurial Art Crime ,” in Big Crime, Big Policing: All about Big Money?
Tonita Murray, Elizabeth Kirley and Stephen Schneider (eds)
University of Toronto Press (forthcoming).
Elizabeth Anne Kirley and Deborah Porter, Chapter 1 “How Smart is COVID?” in Elizabeth Anne Kirley and Deborah Porter eds.
Outsmarting The Next Pandemic: What Covid-19 Can Teach Us
Taylor & Francis
(Routledge Imprint).
Elizabeth Anne Kirley and Marilyn McMahon, “Leadership Vacuum and Mask Deniers,” in Elizabeth Anne Kirley and Deborah Porter, eds.
Outsmarting the Next Pandemic: What Covid-19 Can Teach Us
Taylor & Francis
(Routledge Imprint).
Peer-Reviewed Journals
Elizabeth Kirley and Marilyn McMahon
“The Murky Ethics of Emoji: Comparative Responses to the Diversity Question,”
Richmond Journal of Law & Technology 26:1.
Marilyn McMahon and Elizabeth Kirley
“When Cute Becomes Criminal: the role of emoji in sexual grooming online”
Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology (MJLST) 21.
Elizabeth Kirley and Marilyn McMahon
“The Emoji Factor: Humanizing the Law of Digital Speech”
Tennessee Law Review 85:2.
Elizabeth Kirley
“The Robot as Cub Reporter: Law’s Unsettled Role in Cognitive Journalism.”
European Journal of Law and Technology, 7:3.
Elizabeth Kirley
“Can Digital Speech Loosen the Gordian Knot of Reputation Law?”
Santa Clara High Technology Law Journal, 32:1.
Elizabeth Kirley
“Are We Ethically Bound to Use Student Engagement Technologies for Teaching Law?”
The Law Teacher: International Journal of the Association of Law Teachers 49, 219-241.
Commissioned Government Research Reports
Eric Ouellet and Elizabeth Kirley
Case Study of Police and Health Care Collaboration with Military Personnel for National Security Emergencies: Final Report
Centre for Security Science, DRDC CSS CR 2012-034; Defence R&D Canada – CSS; (December), as available at
Elizabeth Kirley
The Progressive Convergence of Military and Policing Ethos in Post-Millennial Canada: Interim Report
Canada Forces College, Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) Centre for Security Science, Department of National Defence Canada.